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INSPIRE themes
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INSPIRE services supplies CSW (metadata records) only for required INSPIRE discovery services of Austro Control GmbH
INSPIRE services supplies WFS only for the required INSPIRE services of Austro Control GmbH
INSPIRE services supplies WMS only for required INSPIRE view services of Austro Control GmbH
The ecological water conditions are indicative of the water balance at a location and provide an average measure of water available for plants throughout the year.
The humus form classes arise from the succession of organic soil horizons and present details about the circumstances in which the organic material is transformed at a specific location. Hence, the assigned humus form is determined through a morphological account of the traits of the organic soil matter in the field, such as colour, level of decay and blend, and scent.
The transport network - Austro Control GmbH - consists currently of the INSPIRE harmonized feature for TransportNetwork. It is the top most feature for the transport network air in Austria. Geographically this dataset covers Austrian territory only.
Soil depth refers to the depth of unconsolidated soil layers and is restricted in vertical extent by the occurrence of solid rock, solidified or hardened layers, or a predominant coarse fraction. The Agricultural Soil Map of Austria distinguishes a total of six classes, three primary and three secondary classes. The primary classes comprise "shallow" (<30cm), "medium" (30cm - 70cm), and "deep" (>70cm), while the secondary classes include the transition classes "shallow to medium," "medium to deep," and "highly variable." Soil depth as distinguished in this map refers to the extent to which a manually-operated soil drill (“Pürckhauer”) can be driven into the soil. This should not be confused with the soil depth to which root growth is possible known as the "effective depth" or "physiological depth". Typically, physiological depth extends beyond soil depth, since plant roots can partially penetrate dense layers or layers with a high proportion of coarse material. Nevertheless, the soil depth offers a suitable estimate of the soil volume accessible for root growth, as well as the soil's capacity to retain water and nutrients.
Soil reference group code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
Code for dominant parent material of the Soil Typological Unit (STU).
Full soil code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.