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INSPIRE Planned Land Use: Regionalentwicklungsplan Burgenland für - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm für die Region Mittelburgenland - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm für die Region Neusiedler See - Parndorfer Platte - Regionales Entwicklungsprogramm Eisenstadt und Umgebung – Mattersburg
The transport network air for Austria consists currently of INSPIRE harmonized features for AerodromeNode, AirspaceArea, RunwayArea, DesignatedPoint, Navaid, AirRouteLink, AirLinkSequence and AirRoute including the relevant property features. This dataset covers Austrian territory only.
Secondary sub-surface textural class of upper soil horizon of the Soil Typological Unit (STU).
Rasterdatensatz der mittleren täglichen Sonnenstundendauer des Sommerhalbjahres für Gebäude und Freiflächen von Wien , Datenlieferung 2015
Biotops and Habitats (Linien): Wiener Arten- und Lebensraumschutzprogramm - Netzwerk Natur (Linien) Wien
The humus form classes arise from the succession of organic soil horizons and present details about the circumstances in which the organic material is transformed at a specific location. Hence, the assigned humus form is determined through a morphological account of the traits of the organic soil matter in the field, such as colour, level of decay and blend, and scent.
Biotops and Habitats (Punkte): Wiener Arten- und Lebensraumschutzprogramm - Netzwerk Natur (Punkte) Wien
Water permeability refers to the average vertical drainage velocity of water in soil. Its primarily depends on soil structure and texture, followed by humus content coarse fraction, soil depth, and depth of the groundwater table. The soil map distinguishes ten categories: the five primary categories of "very low", "low", "moderate", "high", and "very high", and five additional categories of "very low to low", "low to moderate", "moderate to high", "high to very high", and "not described".
Soil reference group code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.
Full soil code of the STU from the World Reference Base (WRB) for Soil Resources.